Forty-Eight Hours Week 52. Mr. TOUT asked the Prime Minister if it is the intention of the Government, at an early date, to present a Bill to this House to legalise the 49-hours working week on the lines of the Washington Conference? The MINISTER of LABOUR (Sir Montague Barlow) I have been asked to reply. As the hon. Member is probably aware, the practicability of applying the provisions of the Hours Convention in the various countries which took part in the Washington Conference was the subject of discussion at the recent International Labour Conference. Pending further consideration, it is not proposed to introduce legislation. Mr. SITCH Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that most European countries, in face of the keenest competition, have already legalised the eight hours day? Sir M. BARLOW I am not aware of it. As a matter of fact, the Convention has only been ratified in a very small number of countries, such as Greece, India, Czecho-Slovakia, Bulgaria and Rumania. Mr. CLYNES What is meant by "pending consideration by him"? Consideration by whom? Sir M. BARLOW The matter has been fully considered at Genoa, and the Director of the International Labour Office has been instructed to report, after consideration, as to the action being taken in various countries. Mr. SHINWELL Is it not the case that, with regard to seamen, the action of the British Government representative prevented the application of the 48-hour week? Mr. J. JONES He has got to do what he is told.