Waste Disposal Mr. Andrew Welsh To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will outline what measures have been taken to establish which waste disposal sites in Scotland pose a pollution problem from the escape of noxious leachate. Lord James Douglas-Hamilton It is a statutory requirement that river purification authorities (RPAs) be consulted on proposals for development of waste disposal sites. They will indicate whether there may be leachate requiring a discharge consent. Such consents would be given only subject to conditions aimed at ensuring that the discharge will not cause pollution of surface or groundwater. Any breach of discharge consent conditions, and any unconsented discharges, would be investigated by the RPAs as part of their statutory function. Mr. Andrew Welsh To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland which waste disposal authorities in Scotland have still not submitted to him a waste disposal plan. Lord James Douglas-Hamilton Final waste disposal plans have not yet been submitted by three district councils: Banff and Buchan, Kirkcaldy, and Skye and Lochalsh.