Westminster Hall 36. Mr. Hain To ask the Lord President of the Council if he will make a statement about the future use of Westminster Hall. Mr. MacGregor The control of Westminster Hall is vested jointly in the Lord Great Chamberlain and the two Speakers on behalf of the two Houses. The principles governing the exercise of their discretion to grant the use of the hall for non-parliamentary functions are that such events should be either a royal occasion, a ceremony in honour of a head of state or one having clear connections with Parliament or the hall itself. Mr. Hain In the Lord President's reply to me about tea facilities for visitors, he said that provision could be made in St. Stephen's tavern. Surely Westminister Hall would provide an ideal arena for that. It would be a people's hall instead of a cold, draughty cavern, and visitors could have tea and cakes without having to go in and out of security when they visit us. That would be an appropriate use for the hall. Will he put that to the relevant authorities for consideration? Mr. MacGregor That is outwith the principle that the relevant authorities have laid down. The Catering Committee is considering two consultants' reports on the architectural feasibility and management implications of converting the premises of the former St. Stephen's tavern into a refreshments facility for Members' visitors. If that goes ahead, it will provide an extra facility.