Children Act 1989 Mr. Dafis To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what monitoring has been undertaken by his Department on the provision of accommodation for 16 and 17-year-old people designated as in need by local authorities in Wales as a result of the Children Act 1989. Mr. Gwilym Jones Local authorities were asked through the Welsh Office circular 26/91 to report on inter-agency collaboration under the Children Act 1989 on a wide range of issues, including provision of accommodation for children in need. Most authorities have now reported and the remainder of the responses are expected shortly. Mr. Ieuan Wyn Jones To ask the Secretary of State for Wales how many complaints have been received to date by each social services department from children under section 26 of the Children Act 1989. Mr. Gwilym Jones Paragraph 3.53 of the Children Act Report 1992 recorded the latest available information. Eleven complaints in total had been received from or on behalf of children by local authorities in Wales in the first nine months following the implementation of the Children Act on 14 October 1991. Details are: ----------------- | | ----------------- |Clwyd | ----------------- |Dyfed | ----------------- |Gwent | ----------------- |Gwynedd | ----------------- |Mid Glamorgan | ----------------- |Powys | ----------------- |South Glamorgan| ----------------- |West Glamorgan | ----------------- Mr. Llwyd To ask the Secretary of State for Wales which local authorities in Wales have not developed policy statements or related practice guidelines and procedures regarding children leaving care. Mr. Gwilym Jones I am not aware of a local authority in Wales which has not developed any policy statements or related practice guidelines and procedures on children leaving care.