Railway Refreshment Rooms Sir J. Smedley Crooke asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that the prices charged to the rank and file of the services at railway refreshment rooms are regarded with dissatisfaction as being unduly high for men receiving pay on service scales; whether he is prepared, on request, to provide facilities at railway stations, much used by military, for canteens to be run by voluntary workers; and whether, pending the setting-up of such canteens, he will arrange that men in uniform are to be charged reasonable prices for necessary beverages and food during journeys? Captain Wallace No general expression of dissatisfaction has come to my notice; if my hon. Friend will give me details of any specific complaints I will certainly investigate them. The railway companies have agreed to give facilities for voluntary bodies to provide canteens for troops, and have in addition arranged to open, during hours when they would normally be closed, their refreshment rooms at the chief railway centres. They also provide, subject to prior arrangement, packed meals for parties of troops at reduced charges.