Selly Oak (Colleges) Mr. Litterick asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what were the amounts of central Government funds expended, respectively, on Fircroft College, Woodbrook College, Kingsmead College, West Hill College, Avoncroft College, College of the Ascension, Over-dale College, St. Andrews Hall Training Colege, Crowther Hall College and Prospect Hall College all at Selly Oak, Birmingham, during the year 1974–75; and if he will indicate the form and extent of public representation on the governing bodies of these colleges. Mr. Mulley During the financial year 1974–75 my Department made grants to Fircroft College and West Hill College of £57,850 and £721,000 respec- Mr. Mulley In the financial year 1973–74 expenditure on these items in institutions of further and higher education maintained by local education authorities in Wales was as follows:tively.The governors of Fircroft College are appointed in a personal capacity; those of West Hill College include 16 members representative of religious and other organisations.My Department does not grant-aid the other colleges mentioned and I do not know the composition of their governing bodies.