Terrorism Mr. Dubs asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he intends to take any action about the presence in Great Britain of Roberto Fiore and four other Italians who have been convicted of terrorist offences in Italy; and if he will make a statement. Mr. Brittan At present I am not satisfied that the information currently available to me is sufficient to justify deportation, taking account of the requirements of the EC law. But I shall keep this aspect of these cases under review. If there was any indication of illegal activity in this country the police would certainly take appropriate action. It would be for the Italian authorities to apply for their extradition. All five were the subjects of unsuccessful applications for extradition in 1981.There are deficiencies in our current extradition arrangements with Italy and we have entered into discussion with the Italian Government with a view to up-dating the list of offences for which extradition can be granted to include certain terrorist and drug offences.