British Steel Corporation, Shotton Mr. Barry Jones asked the Secretary of State for Wales if he will reconsider, in the light of continuing requests by the Alyn-Deeside council, his policy regarding the setting up of a task force consequent upon the cessation of steelmaking at British Steel Corporation, Shotton; and if he will make a statement. Mr. Nicholas Edwards I consider that the present arrangements for consultation are satisfactory and in accord with the views expressed to me by the majority of local authorities in Clwyd, when I visited the area on 5 December. I am not persuaded that a task force is necessary. Mr. Barry Jones asked the Secretary of State for Wales what has been the loss in rateable value to the Alyn Deeside council and the Clwyd county council resulting from the cessation of steelmaking at British Steel Corporation, Shotton; what is his estimate of the amounts for that part of the financial MAFF experimental husbandry farm at Pwllpeiran. Separate figures for Wales are not available.