Construction Industry (Assistance) Mr. Ovenden asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will list in the Official Report the measures which he has taken specifically to assist the construction industry in the past two years; and if he will make a statement about the effect of these measures. Mr. Joel Barnett The Government have announced the following measures to assist the construction industry during the past two years:( a) £100 million of additional expenditure made available for construction work in certain inner city areas—Budget Statement, 29th March 1977; ( b) A further £100 million made available for expenditure on construction in 1977–78 to assist employment in the construction industry—15th July 1977; ( c) A £400 million increase in the provision for expenditure on construction in 1978–79–26th October 1977—with a further £181 million in 1979–80–9th November 1977. I believe that these measures have had, and are having, a useful effect on output in the industry. In addition, with the recovery in private sector demand, activity in the industry this year is expected to be significantly above last year's level.