Haberdashers' Aske's Schools, Deptford Ms. Ruddock To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science (1) if he will take steps to ensure that during periods when the schools are in session, any visits by his officials or other persons instructed by his Department to the Haberdashers' Aske's schools in Deptford, for purposes of conducting surveys or other works in connection with the establishment of a city technology college, will take place only at times expressly agreed by the head teacher of each school; (2) what were the dates and purposes of the visits by his officials, or other persons instructed by his Department, to the Haberdashers' Aske's schools in Deptford; and whether they were conducted at times agreed with the local education authority and head teacher of each school. Mrs. Rumbold This Department has agreed to provide advice to the Haberdashers' Company in relation to the establishment of the Haberdashers' Aske's city technology college. It is for the project director employed by the Haberdashers' Company to make the appropriate arrangements, in consultation with the local education authority and the head teachers of both schools, for any necessary visits to the schools. The most recent visits made by officials, on 18 and 24 May, were arranged in this way.