Dundee-Perth 6. Mr. Cook asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Civil Aviation the reasons for the delay in bringing into use the Dundee-Perth Aerodrome to meet the need for air transport in that area; and when he hopes to commence a service from and to the area. Mr. Lindgren I regret that until completion of the review referred to in my reply to the hon. Member for Newport (Mr. Peter Freeman) on 7th May last, I cannot make a statement about any particular service. Mr. Cook Does my hon. Friend realise that this is far from satisfactory, because there is a large population in that area, and a most inadequate train service? Mr. Lindgren Yes, Sir, Scotland is important, and my noble Friend gives very considerable attention to it, but there are other parts of the United Kingdom which equally deserve attention, particularly in relation to the difficulties of the transport system. Sir William Darling Is the hon. Gentleman aware that the Scottish transport system is not developed anything like as much as the English system, and that so far from not requiring great attention, it requires a great deal more attention? Mr. Lindgren My noble Friend has given me, as an Englishman, the task of helping out Scotland.