Coke Supplies, London (Quality) 30. Squadron-Leader Donner asked the Minister of Fuel and Power, whether his attention has been drawn to the deterioration in the quality of coke supplied to blocks of flats in London; whether he is aware that in some instances, at least, this is so serious as to threaten the supply of hot water; and what remedial measures he proposes to take. Mr. Shinwell I am not aware of any general deterioration in the quality of coke supplied to blocks of flats or other consumers in London, though it may be that some consumers are using coke breeze for which their appliances were not specificially designed, to supplement their normal supplies. If the hon. and gallant Member has any particular cases in mind and will let me have particulars, I shall be glad to have them investigated. Squadron-Leader Donner I will send the evidence to the right hon. Gentleman.