Yachts Mr. Steen To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if he will set out the estimated cost to an average yacht owner of installing the necessary safety equipment and crew required by the proposed Merchant Shipping (Pleasure Yacht) Regulations; and when he plans to bring these regulations into force. Mr. McLoughlin There will be no cost to the average yacht owner. The proposed regulations will apply only to commercially operated yachts. It is intended that the regulations come into force on 1 April 1992. Mr. Steen To ask the Secretary of State for Transport which yachts will be subject to the proposed Merchant Shipping (Pleasure Yacht) Regulations; and how many such yachts he estimates there are in the United Kingdom. Mr. McLoughlin Only commercially operated yachts will be subject to the proposed regulations. Yachts used solely for the sport or pleasure of the owner are excluded from the regulations. Information on the numbers and use of yachts is not held by the Department. Mr. Steen To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what information he has on similar regulations to the proposed Merchant Shipping (Pleasure Yacht) Regulations in force in each of the other EC countries; and if he will report when such legislation was enacted. Mr. McLoughlin Scandinavian standards, which detail extensive requirements, for commercially operated pleasure craft are being implemented in 1992 by Denmark. The Netherlands are incorporating similar regulations next year and Belgium in 1993. No information on the requirements of other EC countries is available at present. Mr. Steen To ask the Secretary of State for Transport how many surveyors from his Department will be employed, and at what cost to the Exchequer, to enforce the proposed Merchant Shipping (Pleasure Yacht) Regulations; and what he will charge yacht owners to have their vessels surveyed. Mr. McLoughlin Application of the regulations will require no additional surveyors or cost to the Exchequer. Any survey required on commercially operated yachts will be charged for surveys in accordance with the Merchant Shipping (Fees) Regulations 1991, SI 1991/784. Mr. Steen To ask the Secretary of State for Transport how many (a) angling boats, (b) charter yachts, (c) cruising yachts, (d) diving boats and (e) sailing schools, respectively, will be affected by the proposed Merchant Shipping (Pleasure Yacht) Regulations. Mr. McLoughlin Information on the various types of craft, used commercially, is not held by the Department. Sailing schools can operate under the terms of the code of practice for sail training ships. Compliance with the code, which was developed with the industry, gives exemption from the requirements of legislation. If agreement can be reached with those concerned it is proposed to introduce further codes of practice to cover other categories of pleasure craft used commercially.