Inflation Mr. Arthur Lewis asked the Secretary of State for Prices and Consumer Protection on what date the inflational spiral began to decline; what were the amounts of such falls to date; and if he will publish a detailed list of price increases made since this inflationary decline. Mr. Maclennan The annual rate of increase in the Retail Price Index declined steeply from August 1975, falling from 26·9 per cent. to 12·9 per cent. in July 1976, when the decline was interrupted mainly in consequence of the fall in the pound. However, the decline was resumed in June this year, since when it has fallen from 17·7 per cent. to 14·1 per cent. in October. On the listing of price increases I would refer my hon. Friend to the answer I gave him on 24th November 1977.—[Vol. 939, c. 816.]