Fifth Army 63. Mr. KING asked the Prime Minister whether any inquiry has been or will be made into the responsibility for the failure of the Fifth Army in France on 21st March; whether any -general has been withdrawn; and who is now in command of the Fifth Army? Mr. BONAR LAW I cannot add anything to the statement made by the Prime Minister on Tuesday last. Mr. KING Can the right hon. Gentleman not assure us that some inquiry will be made into a matter which is causing the greatest apprehension in all quarters? Mr. BONAR LAW Everybody who heard the Prime Minister would hear him. state that an inquiry would be made. He also said that this is not in his opinion the time to discuss this matter. Mr. HOGGE Can the right hon. Gentler-man answer the last part of the question as to who was in command of the Fifth, Army? Mr. BONAR LAW I think it is better not to say. Mr. PRINGLE It has been in the Press. Mr. DEVLIN Can the right hon. Gentleman say what form this inquiry is to take? Mr. BONAR LAW I cannot, say that at present.