The Arts Dr. Hampson asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what is the total amount spent on the arts by central Government in each year since 1968. Mr. Hugh Jenkins The table below gives details of the expenditure carried on the Arts Vote for England, Wales and Scotland for the years 1968–74:----------------- | | ----------------- |31st March 1968| ----------------- |31st March 1969| ----------------- |31st March 1970| ----------------- |31st March 1971| ----------------- |31st March 1972| ----------------- |31st March 1973| ----------------- |31st March 1974| ----------------- These figures do not include expenditure by the Government on the buildings of the national museums and galleries, which is largely borne on the vote of the Department of the Environment, nor do the figures take account of Government expenditure on ancient monuments or historic houses. Taking all these items into account, my report last year entitled "Fruits of Patronage" showed that central Government expenditure in 1974–75 is more than £50 million.