The Mauritius—The Coolies Question MR. EDWARD JENKINS asked the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, Whether the Report of the Commission appointed to inquire into the state of the Coolies at Mauritius is ready, and when it will be laid upon the Table? MR. J. LOWTHER Sir, considerable progress had been made with the Report, (by far the greater part of which has been completed by the Commissioners), when Mr. Frere's sudden and very severe illness interrupted his labours, which, it is feared, he will not be able to resume for some time. Looking at Mr. Frere's great experience in India and in British Guiana, it is very much to be desired that Her Majesty's Government should have the advantage of considering his recommendations on the numerous questions which will arise out of the Report; and although the other Commissioner, Mr. Williamson, is fully competent to complete the Report and to make valuable suggestions as to future legislation, it is considered expedient to submit to some further delay in the hope that Mr. Frere may be able to resume his work. The Report will not be laid on the Table, or otherwise published, until it has been fully considered by Her Majesty's Government.