Land Transfer 48. Sir JOHN SPEAR asked the right hon. Gentleman if he is aware of the legal expenses connected with the sale and transfer of land; and if he will, by providing for the registration of title, simplify the transfer and thus reduce the expense of such exchange, thereby encouraging the creation of an increase of the number of owners of land? Mr. LLOYD GEORGE The whole of this question is receiving the close con- sideration of the Lord Chancellor, but I can make no statement at present with regard to it. Mr. ROWLANDS Does the right hon. Gentleman's answer indicate that the Government intend at an early date to take some action upon the Report of the Royal Commission? Mr. LLOYD GEORGE They certainly propose to take action. I think they are in consultation with various interests concerned. Mr. CASSEL In dealing with the transfer of land will the right hon. Gentleman take into consideration the fact that the cost of transferring land has been increased by his Land Taxes? Mr. LLOYD GEORGE That is a matter for controversy on the Finance and Revenue Act. Mr. RAFFAN Is it not a fact that a larger quantity of land has been transferred to small holders since the Budget was passed than in the preceding years? Mr. LLOYD GEORGE My hon. Friend is certainly right there. The Stamp Revenue Returns certainly prove that.