Group Medical Practices (Loan Applications) 33 Miss Herbison asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many applications have been received from practitioners for an interest-free loan to establish group practices; and from which districts in Scotland they have originated. Commander Galbraith Applications have been received from 18 groups of doctors in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Ayrshire, Fife, Lanarkshire, the Lothians and Stirlingshire. Miss Herbison How soon does the Joint Under-Secretary of State expect a reply to be given in these cases? As he has had so many applications in such a short time—I am glad that is so—does he think that this miserable £100,000 will be sufficient to meet all the cases? Commander Galbraith These cases will have to be gone into before it can be decided which groups should get the first sums available. It may take some little time before a final decision is made.