Contributory Pensions 12. Mr. A. Lewis asked the Minister of National Insurance the total numbers of men and women now retired and in receipt of national insurance retirement pensions, at the last available date Mr. J. Griffiths It is estimated that at 31st December, 1946, 1,225,000 men and 2,085.000 women were in receipt of increased contributory pensions under the Regulations which became operative from 30th September. Of the men, 370,000 were between the ages of 65 and 70 and had qualified for the increase by retirement from regular employment; 855,000 were over the age of 70 to whom the retirement condition does not apply. Precisely comparable figures are not available for women but it is estimated that rather over 400,000 were women between 60 and 65 who satisfied the retirement condition for the increase. 15. Mr. Marples asked the Minister of National Insurance whether he is aware that the referee appointed under the Contributory Pensions (Reference Regulations), in a case of which details have been sent to him, refused a pension on the grounds that a certain second marriage was not a valid marriage and the lady in question not a lawful wife, although a marriage was solemnised and a marriage certificate issued and if he will reconsider this case. Mr. J. Griffiths I have been in communication with the hon. Member about this case. The referee, who is an independent statutory authority, found that the death of this lady's husband was not established at the time of the second ceremony of marriage and his decision as to the validity of the second marriage followed accordingly. The referee's decision is final and conclusive and in the absence of fresh facts I have no power to reconsider the matter.