Home Guard Rifle Clubs Mr. Snadden asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that much dissatisfaction exists among members of Home Guard Rifle Clubs concerning the out-of-date rifles and high cost of ammunition supplied and, in view of the encouragement given by the Government to the formation of such clubs, will he take steps to make available up-to-date equipment and cheaper ammunition for this purpose. Mr. Bellenger The rifles used by Home Guard Rifle Clubs are those which are available for this purpose and are fully serviceable No. 1 S.M.L.E. rifles. This pattern, although not of the latest type, is still in service in the Regular and Indian Armies. The No. 1 rifle cannot be regarded as out-of-date and its performance is equal to that of any other military rifle. The price of ammunition charged to members of the Home Guard Rifle Clubs represents its cost to the State. A free issue of a limited quantity of ยท303 ammunition is available to members of Home Guard Rifle Clubs during the current year for competition shooting.