Dentists Mr. Morgan To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what percentage of dentists have withdrawn from the provision of NHS dental treatment for all except exempt categories since 1 April; what is the number of salaried dentists appointed by each family health service authority; and if he will make a statement. Mr. Gwilym Jones Information is not available in the form requested. Returns provided by family health services authorities indicated that between 27 March and 7 May 1993, five dentists left authorities' dental lists as a direct result of the new fee scale introduced on 8 July 1992. Twelve dentists joined dental lists during the same period. This information was provided for managerial purposes and is not statistically validated.Approval has been given for Dyfed and Gwynedd family health services authorities to employ a total of six whole-time equivalent salaried dentists. Both authorities are in the process of identifying suitable applicants and premises.