Crime Indicators Mr. Evans To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will list the key performance indicators used by his Department to measure crime. [99346] Mr. Denham [holding answer 26 February 2003]: The Home Office targets for the period April 2003 to March 2006 were published in the Home Office Targets Delivery Report on 13 February 2003.The target relating specifically to crime is as follows: Reduce crime and the fear of crime; improve performance overall, including the gap between the highest crime, Crime Disorder and Reduction Partnership Areas and the best comparable areas; and reduce: vehicle crime by 30 per cent. from 1998–99 to 2004; domestic burglary by 25 per cent. from 1998–99 to 2005; robbery in 10 Street Crime Initiative areas by 14 per cent. from 1999–2000 to 2005; and maintain that level. A report on progress against the Department's crime targets set in 2000 was published in the same document.