British Ships (Conveyance Of Stores And Troops) 41. Sir OWEN PHILIPPS asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Shipping Controller whether British ships, when employed for the conveyance of stores or troops for account of the United States, France, or Italy, receive the same rates of remuneration in respect of such employ- ment as are paid by those countries in respect of equivalent services performed by ships on their own register and flying their own flags? The PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY to the MINISTRY of SHIPPING (Sir Leo Chiozza Money) The owners of British requisitioned ships receive British rates of remuneration, irrespective of the service on which the ships are employed. I think the hon. Member will see that that is the only course we could take. The financial arrangements between this country and the Allies on account of shipping services rendered by and to this country are too complicated to be explained within the limits of an answer to a question. Generally, they are on a reciprocal basis.