Hydrographic Office (Key Targets) The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Defence (Mr. Ivor Caplin) Key Targets have been set for the Chief Executive of the UK Hydrographic office for the financial year 2003–04. The targets build on the already high standards of service provided by the agency and are as follows:Key Target 1. Safety. Safety Index to exceed 90 per cent. with all radio navigational warnings issued to timescale. Key Target 2. Defence. To achieve an index rating of more than 95 for the defence programme as set out in the tasking authorisation forms. Key Target 3. Customer Service. Customer and end user satisfaction to exceed a scale rating of 80, and distributor satisfaction to exceed a scale rating of 70 by the end of financial year 2003–04. Key Target 4. Wider Markets. To deliver plans to maximise access to UKHO material for re-use, including the implementation of a licensing system that allows most re-users to reproduce UKHO material free of charge for non-commercial and low-values purposes by August 2003, and to secure additional profitable revenue from wider markets, including the implementation of a plan produced by September 2003 which will deliver revenue from financial year 2004–05 onwards. Key Target 5. Finance. To break even taking one year with another, and to achieve a return on capital employed of 7.5 per cent. averaged over the past five years. Key Target 6. Finance. Efficiency, as measured by added value, to improve by 5 per cent. from 2000–01 to 2005–06. Key Target 7. People. To achieve an improvement in employee engagement of 10 per cent. to 3.8 by 31 March 2004.