Goose Bay Mr. McFall To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many low-level sorties were flown by each type of aircraft at Canadian forces base Goose Bay (a) in 1992 and (b) up to the latest available date in 1993. Mr. Hanley During their period of deployment to Goose Bay in 1992, Royal Air Force Tornado GR1 and F3 aircraft flew 936 and 92 low-level sorties respectively. No sorties have yet been flown this year, although Tornado GR1s are expected to fly approximately 700 sorties at low level during the period of their deployment in 1993. Mr. McFall To ask the Secretary of State for Defence (1) if he will list the accomplished and scheduled Royal Air Force training deployments to Canadian forces base Goose Bay during 1993; and if he will specify the number and type of aircraft involved in each deployment;(2) if he will list the dates of deployment for each type of aircraft undertaking training at Canadian forces base Goose Bay in (a) 1992 and (b) 1993; and how many aircraft were involved in each such deployment. Mr. Hanley Nine Tornado GR1 aircraft were based at Goose Bay between 29 May and 25 September 1992, during which time there were seven deployments of crews to conduct low flying training. The precise dates of each such deployment were: 29 May—12 June12 June—3 July3 July—24 July24 July—7 August7 August—21 August21 August—4 September4 September—25 SeptemberEight Tornado F3 aircraft were also deployed between 26 May and 1 July 1992, during which time there were three deployments of crews: 26 May—9 June9 June—23 June25 June—1 July For 1993, nine Tornado GR1s will be based at Goose Bay between 1 July and 23 September, during which time there are planned to be five separate crew deployments, each for a period of two to three weeks.