Unemployed Marchers' Petition 66. Mr. LANSBURY asked the Prime Minister if he will give the House an early opportunity of discussing the petition from the unemployed marchers asking that representatives of the organised unemployed may be hoard at the Bar of the House? The PRIME MINISTER The answer is in the negative. Mr. LANSBURY Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that a considerable number of Members on both sides of the House have signed the petition asking that this may be done? The PRIME MINISTER Yes, I am aware of that. Mr. W. THORNE Has the right hon. Gentleman definitely made up his mind that he is not going to receive a deputation under any circumstances? The PRIME MINISTER I do not think any statement could be more clear than the one I made to the House on that occasion. Mr. LANSBURY Would the right hon. Gentleman be prepared to listen to a small deputation of Members from all parts of the House on the subject? The PRIME MINISTER I am always willing to see deputations of Members of the House on any subject, but in the present pressure of business, apart from anything else, I cannot promise to do so on a subject which has already been so much discussed.