Dublin Police And Licensed Traders MR. CLANCY (Dublin, South) I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, with reference to the instructions issued to some inspectors of the Dublin Metropolitan Police to make cases against licensed traders, whether he has seen those instructions, and whether he has sanctioned them, if he does not, whether he has caused or will cause his opinion to be conveyed to the Dublin police authorities; and whether he will givn to the House the terms of the instructions in question. MR. BRYCE I have neither sanctioned nor seen the document referred to. What the Question described as instructions was contained in a confidential memorandum sent more than a year ago by a superintendent in the Dublin Metropolitan Police to three inspectors under him. The Chief Commissioner informs me that he is satisfied that the issue of this memorandum was an honest attempt on the part of the superintendent to rouse his men to a faithful discharge of their duties under the licensing laws, and in no way intended to suggest to them to take any unfair action. It would be contrary to practice to lay on the Table a confidential memorandum issued by a police superintendent. MR. CLANCY expressed a hope that the right hon. Gentleman would get a copy of the memorandum and read it himself; he would then be able to answer the Question.