Air Services 9. Wing-Commander Robinson asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he will make a statement in regard to the development of air services in the West Indies. Mr. Creech Jones I am in consultation with my noble Friend the Minister of Civil Aviation about the integration of the services operated and projected by the British South American Airways Corporation in the West Indies with those operated and projected in the area by the various Colonial airlines. The recent Colonial Civil Aviation Conference in London afforded an opportunity for some useful discussions on this matter, and the chairman of British West Indian Airways is expected in London shortly for discussions about this company. Wing-Commander Robinson Can the right hon. Gentleman say when he can make a more complete statement on this matter? Mr. Creech Jones I do not know how soon, but if another Question is put down in about a month's time, I hope to be able to make a statement then. Mr. Gammans Is the Minister aware that, while these long deliberations are going on, the French and Dutch are coming in and starting air lines to British territories? Mr. Creech Jones Yes, Sir.