Voluntary Sector Forum Mr. Ron Davies To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment how many meetings of the voluntary sector environment forum have been held. Mr. Baldry There has been one meeting of the full forum. The working group set up at that meeting to consider DOE funding for Environmental work by the voluntary sector has met four times. The next meeting of the forum will be on 14 November. Mr. Ron Davies To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment whether the voluntary sector environment forum has produced any reports to Ministers on its work to date. Mr. Baldry The forum has a joint departmental and voluntary sector membership. A number of position papers have been produced by the members, and the forum's working group on DOE funding for environmental work by the voluntary sector has produced an interim report, which will be considered by the forum at its meeting on 14 November. Mr. Ron Davies To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will make a statement on progress made by the voluntary sector environment forum; and if he will set out the terms of reference of both the voluntary sector environment forum and the Advisory Committee on Business and the Environment. Mr. Baldry The forum has made useful progress in its discussions, particularly through the work of its working group on DOE funding for environmental work by the voluntary sector, which has helped to inform decisions on the second year of the operation of the environmental grant fund.The terms of reference of the Forum as agreed at the first meeting are: To provide a national forum for discussion between Government and environmental voluntary organisations on generic questions relating to the role of the voluntary sector in environmental protection, enhancement and related issues, and problems facing them in pursuing environmental goals, including: —increasing the contribution of voluntary organisations (particularly non-environmental bodies) to environmental work;—how the Government and voluntary sector can work together;—Government support for the voluntary sector;—helping the voluntary sector develop partnerships with other agencies; and—how voluntary organisations could use their experience in environmental work to contribute to the Government's environmental policies. The terms of reference of the Advisory Committee on Business and the Environment are: —to provide for a strategic level dialogue between Government and business on environmental issues, both of an immediate and topical interest and of a longer term nature.—in liaison with other appropriate organisations, to help mobilise the business community in demonstrating good environmental practice and management, building on existing initiatives and activities.—to provide a link with, and focus attention on, international business initiatives on the environment. Mr. Ron Davies To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment on how many occasions Ministers or officials of his Department have met the voluntary sector environment forum. Mr. Baldry My hon. Friend the Minister for the Environment and Countryside chairs the main Forum, which has met once. The working group on DOE funding for environmental work by the voluntary sector has a joint membership of voluntary sector and departmental officials and has met four times.