Rail Privatisation Mrs. Dunwoody To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what protection he proposes to give to private passenger train franchise operators from takeovers by companies deemed not suitable for the award franchises. Mr. Freeman Our intention is that the franchising director will assess the suitability of bidders to become franchisees. He will include terms in the franchise agreement under which the franchising director's consent will be required to changes in ownership of a franchisee. Mrs. Dunwoody To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what obligations will be placed on the new owner of British Rail's freight and parcels subsidiaries to ensure their continued use of rail transport following privatisation. Mr. Freeman Decisions about whether to use rail will be taken by the customers, as now, on the basis of price and quality of service. Mrs. Dunwoody To ask the Secretary of State for Transport with how many parties he is in negotiation for the franchising of rail passenger services. Mr. Freeman None. Negotiations on franchises will be conducted by the franchising director when he is appointed. I have had discussions with various parties about our franchising proposals. Mrs. Dunwoody To ask the Secretary of State for Transport (1) how many British Rail employees will be transferred to the employment of Railtrack;(2) which assets currently owned by the British Railways Board he proposes to transfer to Railtrack. Mr. Freeman It is too early to say. Railtrack will not be established as a Government-owned company until April 1994. Mrs. Dunwoody To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what additional resources he intends to make available for the Health and Safety Commission, the Health and Safety Executive and Her Majesty's railway inspectorate for the discharge of their duties arising from the Railways Bill after April 1994. Mr. Freeman Agency funds for HSE have been increased by about 60 per cent. in 1993–94 compared with the previous year, in recognition of HSE's increased railway safety workload, including British Rail privatisation. Funds for 1994–95 will be agreed following this year's public expenditure discussions. We are committed to ensuring that adequate resources are made available.