Road Schemes (Detective Agencies) Mr. Cohen To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if the contracts for employment of private detective agencies by his Department in relation to road schemes were put to tender. [35060] Mr. Watts The agency does not generally employ detective agencies directly. They are employed by Treasury Solicitors on our behalf. The means of securing their employment are therefore a matter for the Treasury Solicitor. On one occasion that a detective agency was employed directly, for the M3 Twyford Down scheme, single tender action was used. Mr. Cohen To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what has been the total cost to date of the employment by his Department of Bray's Detective Agency, breaking down the figures by the road schemes covered. [35057] Mr. Watts This information is being collected and I will write to the hon. Member again as soon as it is available. Mr. Cohen To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what allocation of funds has been made for the employment of Bray's Detective Agency in relation to the construction of the Newbury bypass. [35058] Mr. Watts No allocation of funds has been made for the employment of Bray's Detective Agency in relation to the construction of the Newbury bypass. Mr. Cohen To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if he will place in the Library the terms of reference under which Bray's Detective Agency operates in the employment of his Department. [35062] Mr. Watts Bray's Detective Agency is employed by the Treasury Solicitor, not the Highways Agency, so the terms of reference for its employment are a matter for the Treasury Solicitor.