Agricultural Executive Committees LORD AMHERST OF HACKNEY asked Her Majesty's Government if they will make a further statement on the future work and organisation of agricultural executive committees. THE JOINT PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY, MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD (EARL WALDEGRAVE) My right honourable friend has now had valuable discussions with the chairmen of county agricultural executive committees and with leaders of the National Farmers' Union, the Country Landowners' Association and workers unions. The report of my noble friend Lord St. Aldwyn has received general support, and my right honourable friend has decided to adopt it as the basis of his future policy for these committees. He proposes to retain their present representative constitution which is well fitted to the important part they play in the partnership between government and industry. Their task will be to promote the general development of agriculture in their counties and their wide knowledge of local conditions will be of great value to my right honourable friend in the working out of policy, in its detailed application and in the work of technical development. Members will in future be chosen primarily for their aptitude for these tasks. In this the bodies representing the industry have promised their support. County chairmen are being asked to review their county and district com- mittee organisation on the lines recommended in the report; and my right honourable friend intends to foster full and effective co-operation between the Ministry and the committees. My right honourable friend is most grateful to the chairmen and members of the committees for all the hard work they have done with such energy and tact for the agricultural industry. House adjourned for the summer recess at thirteen minutes before twelve o'clock.