Assisted Places Scheme Mr. Freud asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science whether he will list the schools which have ceased to participate in the assisted places scheme, stating the duration of participation in each case. Mr. Dunn The information is as follows: ----------------------- | | ----------------------- |Eastbourne college | ----------------------- |Hasmonean High school| ----------------------- |Shrewsbury school | ----------------------- Mr. Freud asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science (1) whether he will list in the Official Report the percentage fee increase in each school participating in the assisted places scheme in each year since its introduction; and what are the increases for the next academic year;(2) whether he will list in the Official Report for the latest year for which figures are available (a) the maximum paid in respect of one school, and (b) the average paid in respect of one school under the assisted places scheme represented by incidental expenses of (i) travel, (ii) uniform, (iii) meals and (iv) all three; (3) whether he will list in the Official Report for the latest year for which figures are available (a) the maximum paid in respect of one pupil, and (b) the average paid per pupil under the assisted places scheme for the incidental expenses of (i) travel, (ii) uniforms and (iii) school meals and of (i), (ii) and (iii) together; (4) whether he will list in the Official Report for the latest year for which figures are available the percentage of the average assistance with fees for a pupil under the assisted places scheme represented by the assistance with incidental expenses for travel, meals and uniform; (5) whether he will list in the Official Report for the latest year for which figures are available the percentage of the average fee income to participating schools in respect of (a) assisted places pupils and (b) all pupils represented by the assistance with incidental expenses for travel, meals and uniform; (6) whether he will list in the Official Report those organisations who were consulted about the 60 per cent. requirement in relation to children entering the assisted places scheme from the maintained sector; and whether he will give details of the form of the consultative process; (7) whether he will list in the Official Report those organisations who selection for an assisted place, were choir boys; what proportion of the relevant age group entering the scheme this represents; and what proportion of all assisted places pupils entering the scheme from the private sector this represents; (8) whether he will list in the Official Report a breakdown by age group of the pupils entering the assisted places scheme who attended a private school at the time of their selection for the scheme; and how many and what proportion of each group attended the same school before and after their entry to the scheme. Mr. Dunn I shall reply to the hon. Member as soon as possible.