Certificated Mates (Foreign-Going Steamships) 41. Mr. PETO asked the President of the Board of Trade whether, as regards the instructions to their principal officers, superintendents, and surveyors as to procedure in respect to manning wherein it is specified that foreign-going steamships of over 200 feet in length and not less than 700 tons gross when proceeding to sea shall carry at least a master and two mates, it is the intention of the Board of Trade that both of these mates shall be duly certificated. Mr. ROBERTSON The intention of the instructions to which the hon. Member refers is to determine the number of efficient deck hands which must be carried independently of the master and deck officers. The number of certificated officers to be carried is governed by Section 92 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, as amended by Section 56 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1906.