Hospital Patients Mr. Michael Cocks asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what number of beds in the National Health Service are occupied by patients because of conditions caused by war or any act of war or civil strife; any mental disease, illness or disorder; pregnancy; miscarriage or childbirth; abortion; intoxication or the influence of any narcotic unless administered on the advice of a doctor; and what percentage this number is of the total of National Health Service beds.----------------------------- |Discharge and Deaths |…|…|…| ----------------------------- |Mean Duration of stay|…|…|…| ----------------------------- |Discharge and Deaths |…|…|…| ----------------------------- |Mean Duration of stay|…|…|…| ----------------------------- |Discharge and Deaths |…|…|…| ----------------------------- |Mean Duration of stay|…|…|…| ----------------------------- |Discharge and Deaths |…|…|…| ----------------------------- |Mean Duration of stay|…|…|…| -----------------------------