Nuclear Power Stations Mr. Ashdown asked the Paymaster General if he will estimate the man-years effort required by Her Majesty's Nuclear Installations Inspectorate to give approval to the safety case for (a) stage 1, (b) stage 2 and (c) stage 3 decommissioning of the first magnox power station; whether such estimates include work preparatory to receipt of the safety case; and if he will make a statement. Mr. Trippier At this stage only a preliminary and provisional estimate of two to three man-years can be made as the process is reactive and iterative; and the effort required is determined to some extent by factors outside the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate's control, such as the acceptability of the early pre-decommissioning safety reports prepared by operators. Mr. Ashdown asked the Paymaster General if he will estimate the man-years effort employed by Her Majesty's Nuclear Installations Inspectorate in (a) generic decommissioning work and (b) magnox decommissioning work, in each recent year; what resources are allocated to such work in the current year; and if he will make a statement. Mr. Trippier Man-year effort employed by the inspectorate in the last financial year has been less than half a man-year each on generic and magnox decommissioning work.In the current financial year between one and two man-year's effort is available for assessment of decommissioning nuclear installations.