Selective Financial Assistance Mr. McGrady To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what amounts of selective financial assistance were allocated to industrial enterprises in the constituency of South Down from 1 April 1981 to 31 March 1992; and what were the total amounts of selective financial assistance allocated in each year in Northern Ireland. Mr. Atkins Information on selective financial assistance offers made by the Industrial Development Board to companies in the South Down constituency is available only from 1 September 1982, when the board was set up. Information on selective financial assistance offers made by the Local Enterprise Development Unit is available only by district council area.The table sets out the information available. Computer systemCourier systemData processingFacilities managementGrounds maintenanceGully emptyingIT products and servicesMessengers/porteragePainting and decoratingReceptionists/telephonistsRoads reinstatementSecuritySewer maintenanceSludge tinkeringStoresSupport typingVerge maintenance