Members' Remuneration 45. Sir R. Boothby asked the Prime Minister whether he will recommend the setting up of a Royal Commission, presided over by a high judicial authority, to consider and report upon the amount and form of remuneration which should be granted to Members of Parliament, having regard to the conditions under which they are now required to discharge their duties, and the future status, efficiency and recruitment of the House of Commons. The Prime Minister (Sir Winston Churchill) Her Majesty's Government do not feel that we should undertake any further inquiry into this problem at the present moment. Sir R. Boothby Will the Prime Minister undertake to reconsider the matter a little later? Does he not think that, while the ultimate responsibility must clearly rest with this House, the opinions and recommendations of an authoritative, independent and judicial tribunal might prevent a recurrence of the events of recent weeks, which have given satisfaction to no one? The Prime Minister I think I had better stand by the answer I have given.