War Damage 18. Lieut.-Commander Joynson-Hicks asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department the cost of making good the damage caused to public and private interests in the Channel Islands by German occupation; and what steps are being taken towards obtaining reparations there for from Germany. Mr. Ede The damage to and loss of public and private property is estimated at just under £6,500,000. This figure is included in the United Kingdom claim now being discussed at the Conference on Reparations in Paris. 22. Mr. Lipson asked the Secretary of. State for the Home Department for what amount Guernsey has sent in claims for reparations from Germany, and on what grounds; and is His Majesty's Government forwarding the claims to the Reparations Conference now sitting in Paris. Mr. Ede A figure of £8,351,000 in respect of Guernsey has been included in the United Kingdom claim and was compiled on the basis prescribed for such claims. The United Kingdom claim, together with the claims of other Allies is now being discussed at the Reparations Conference in Paris. Mr. Lipson Does the right hon. Gentleman's answer mean that His. Majesty's Government have given the fullest possible support to the claims put forward? Mr. Ede The Channel Islands are an integral part of His Majesty's Dominions and, having accepted their figures, we shall press them equally with all the other claims that it is our duty to bring before the Commission. Mr. E. P. Smith Can the right hon. Gentleman explain how it is that Guernsey has sent in a claim for over £8,000,000, when just now the right hon. Gentleman said that the claims in respect of. all the Channel Islands came to £6,500,000? Mr. Ede The figure of £6,500,000 was a strictly limited claim. The item which was mentioned was for wider interests than those covered by the statistics asked for in the Question by the hon. and gallant Member for Chichester (Lieut.-Commander Joynson-Hicks). Mr. Sunderland Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether this figure includes compensation for wages lost by British nationals who were interned in enemy occupied countries, such as Belgium? Mr. Ede It certainly includes claims for loss of manpower. If it is desired that more detailed information should be given, the question should be put on the Paper. Mr. Scollan Does that mean a claim of £14,500,000 all in, or is there more to come? Mr. Ede No, Sir The £6,500,000 which I mentioned in reply to the hon. and gallant Member for Chichester is a part of the claim. Undoubtedly, the whole figure is greater than £8,000,000, but if hon. Members want to know what the total figure is I will be willing to supply the answer if a Question is put down.