Licensed Premises (Closing Hour) 57. Mr. Barr asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether his Department has taken any steps to recommend to other towns in Scotland arrangements similar to those made in Glasgow for the closing of licensed premises at 8 o'clock in the evening? The Secretary of State for Scotland (Mr. Colville) I have noted the arrangement come to in Glasgow, which is the result of local agreement. As regards the general question of licensing hours, I am not at present satisfied that a modification of the existing law is necessary. I shall, however, keep the position under review. Mr. Barr Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that already the Lord Provost of Glasgow has stated that as a result of this step there has been 50 per cent. less drunkenness and a decrease also in accidents; and is he also aware that places like Clydebank, Paisley, Rutherglen and Coatbridge have already adopted this early closing, and will he bear the fact in mind? Mr. Colville I will bear in mind the results of what Glasgow has done. Mr. Macquisten Is my right hon. Friend aware that licence-holders in Scotland are of opinion that, if a man cannot get all he wants before 8 o'clock, he has been wasting his time?