Brompton Road: Road Works Lord VAIZEY asked Her Majesty's Government:How much Central Government expenditure has been and will eventually be incurred in the works of road widening and other activities of a similar character near the Brompton Oratory; how long the work has taken; and whether they are satisfied the works were ( a) necessary, and ( b) expeditiously, economically and satisfactorily completed. Baroness BIRK To date, specific grant of £468,237 has been paid to the Greater London Council from central Government funds towards expenditure incurred before 1st April 1975. Since then the GLC's transport policies and programme have been supported by the transport supplementary grant system and no specific allocation has been made in respect of this scheme.When specific grant was approved the Department was satisfied that the work was justified. Implementation of the scheme is, however, entirely a matter for the Greater London Council and the noble Lord may wish to direct his inquiries on this aspect of the matter to them.