War Production, Scotland 50 and 51. Mr. Stephen asked the Minister of Production (1) whether he will give an assurance that his plans for the rearrangement of production so that Scottish factories, workshops and plants may be as fully utilised as possible in the future were made in consultation with the Secretary of State for Scotland; (2) whether he is aware that large numbers of Scottish women are receiving directions to proceed to work in England; and what steps are being taken in the rearrangement of production to see that Scotland is obtaining its fair share of industry, so as to prevent the depopulation of Scotland? Mr. Lyttelton As the hon. Member is aware, it is sometimes necessary in the interests of vital war production to transfer mobile labour to other areas, and it is the case that limited numbers of women are being transferred from Scotland as from other areas. Nevertheless it is the policy of all Departments, both in placing new production and in rearranging production to allocate as many orders as possible to areas where labour and facilities exist. Accordingly a considerable volume of additional production has been, and is being placed in Scotland. I am in close touch with my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Scotland regarding the application of this policy to Scotland, and the Scottish Council on Industry are in close touch with the Regional organisation of my Department. Mr. Stephen Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that there is great discontent in Scotland at the number of Scottish women who have been taken to England, and that something ought to be done so that they might be allowed to work in their own country? Mr. Lyttelton I am very sympathetic to the hon. Member's remarks. We have succeeded in the last 12 months in placing projects for new industrial buildings in Scotland in a ratio very much higher than the insured population bears to the total. Mr. Mathers Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that, while progress is recognised, there is still the grievance of girls who are training in Scotland working alongside others who are provided for within reach of their own homes, while those who come from outside that particular area are sent to far districts in England? Mr. Lyttelton We are doing our best to limit this evil.