Broadcasting (Interference) 23. Mr. Joynson-Hicks asked the Postmaster-General if he has yet received a reply to his third representation to the Roumanian Government concerning the radio interference on 285 metres by Bucharest II; and, if not, what action he is taking in the matter. Mr. Ness Edwards No reply has been received. In the absence of co-operation from the Roumanian Administration, there seems little hope that the interference will be eliminated. I am, however, making further representations to that Administration. Mr. Joynson-Hicks Does not the right hon. Gentleman appreciate that this has been going on for six months, and that the Roumanian Government appears to be deliberately flouting him? What is he doing to get this matter put right? Mr. Ness Edwards The difficulty is that we have to depend on representations made to them. If they do not acceed to the representations, we would then have to consider what other steps we could take. It is not a matter over which we should declare war. Mr. Joynson-Hicks What action is the right hon. Gentleman prepared to take? What is he going to do to make Roumania comply with her obligations? Mr. Ness Edwards I have already said that I have made representations. Roumania is a signatory of the Copenhagen Agreement and she will have to conform with the regulations laid down. Mr. Russell Why not reply by jamming some of the Roumanian broadcasting stations? 31. Mr. Osborne asked the Postmaster-General if he is aware of the interference in the British Broadcasting Corporation's wavelengths from five p.m. daily experienced in the North Lincolnshire area; and if he will have investigations made into this foreign jamming of regional programmes and take steps to put the matter right. Mr. Ness Edwards The interference from Russia continues. It has ceased from Spain. The Soviet Administration have intimated that they are studying ways of removing the interference. Mr. Osborne Is the Minister aware that complaints have been made through the usual channels over the past few months about this matter, and that while in the North Lincolnshire area people can get the Third Programme they cannot get the regional programme? They much prefer the regional programme to the Third. Will he do his best to have this matter investigated? Mr. Ness Edwards I have asked the B.B.C. to look at this as closely as they can and to keep me advised about the steps which they can take to overcome this interference. Equally, we are pressing the Russians to let us have some action as a result of their study. Mr. Emrys Hughes Can my right hon. Friend say whether Russian interference is the cause of the fact that half the Scottish Cup Final is not broadcast whereas the whole of the English Cup Final is broadcast? What action will he take to remedy this grievance in Scotland? Mr. Ness Edwards None until they play better football.