Caribbean Union (Commission) 26. Mr. P. Smithers asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what steps have been taken by His Majesty's Government towards implementing the recommendations of the Commission upon the Unification of Public Services in the British Caribbean: and what further steps it is proposed to take. Mr. J. Griffiths The report of the Commission has been referred to the Governors of the territories concerned for consideration by the Legislatures. Only the Legislative Council of St. Vincent has yet completed consideration of the report, and it has approved the Commission's recommendations. The implementation of the report depends primarily on the decisions of the Legislatures, and it has been made clear that His Majesty's Government have no wish to prejudge or influence those decisions. Mr. Smithers While I agree that this is a matter for the Legislatures, as there seems to be a likelihood of general approval of these reforms cannot the Secretary of State urge the Legislatures to complete their discussions as soon as possible? Mr. Griffiths I am sure that the hon. Member will appreciate and will agree with me that in a matter of this kind, beyond commending it to their earnest consideration, I do not think we should try to bring pressure upon them to speed up their consideration.