Native Lands Trust Bill 11. Mr. ORMSBY-GORE asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the Secretary of State for the Colonies has approved any further amendments to the Kenya Native Lands Trust Bill; and whether monetary compensation is to be substituted for alternative land in the case of land in the reserves acquired compulsorily by Government for public purposes? Dr. SHIELS No Amendments to the Native Lands Trust Bill have been approved by my Noble Friend additional to those referred to in the reply returned to the right hon. Gentleman on the 6th of November. It is not intended to substitute monetary compensation as an alternative to adding to a reserve an area equal in extent to any land taken for public purposes, but the Bill provides that compensation in money shall be payable in respect of any difference in value between any area excluded and the area added. Mr. ORMSBY-GORE Are we to understand from that, that, if land in the reserves is required for road or railway, equivalent acreage elsewhere has to be allocated? Dr. SHIELS No, except in the case of roads and railways which were definitely stated in the reply given to the right hon. Gentleman on the 6th November.