Departmental Expenditure Mr. Malcolm Bruce To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage what estimate she has made of the annual telephone costs to (a) her Department, (b) her Department's agencies and (c) her Department's non-departmental public bodies staff for each of the years (i) 1991–92, (ii) 1993–94, (iii) 1994 –95, (iv) 1995–96 and (v) 1996–97; and if internal telephone directories are available to staff in all areas of (a) to (c). [11342] Mr. Sproat [holding answer 25 January 1996]: While all the information requested is not available, and could be provided only at disproportionate cost, the available information is as follows: --------------------------------- | | --------------------------------- |Department of National Heritage| --------------------------------- |Historic Royal Palaces Agency | --------------------------------- |Royal Parks Agency | --------------------------------- My Department makes use of CCTA's metropolitan telephone service, which provides us with fully managed telephone and directory services. Internal telephone directories are available to staff in my Department and both agencies.--------------------------------- | | --------------------------------- |Department of National Heritage| --------------------------------- |Historic Royal Palaces Agency | --------------------------------- |Royal Parks Agency | --------------------------------- Information on non-departmental public bodies is not available, and could be provided only at disproportionate cost. Mr. Bruce To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage what assessment she has made of the total expenditure of her Department, its agencies and non-departmental public bodies on publicity for each of the years (a) 1991–92, (b) 1993–94, (c) 1994–95 and --------------------------------- | | --------------------------------- |Department of National Heritage| --------------------------------- |Advertising | --------------------------------- |Press and PR | --------------------------------- |Historic Royal Palaces Agency | --------------------------------- |Advertising | --------------------------------- |Press and PR | --------------------------------- |Royal Parks Agency | --------------------------------- |Advertising | --------------------------------- |Press and PR | --------------------------------- Information on DNH non-departmental public bodies is not available and could be provided only at disproportionate cost. The Government telephone network connects over 1,000 Government offices nationwide. As a user of the GTN, a GTN dialling codes booklet is also available to all members of staff in this Department. Mr. Bruce To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage what assessment she has made of the expenditure of her Department, agencies and non-departmental public bodies on all external consultants including management consultants for each of the years (a) 1991–92, (b) 1993–94, (c) 1994–95 and (d) 1995–96 (i) to date and (ii) as estimated for the whole year; what estimate she has made of such expenditure for 1996–97; and if she will estimate the savings accruing to her Department from the use of consultants in each of these years. [11339] Mr. Sproat [holding answer 25 January 1996]: My Department uses consultants for a wide variety of tasks, only a small proportion of which are aimed at achieving cost savings. No central record is held on overall savings and it would not be possible to isolate those consultancies and quantify the cost savings without incurring disproportionate cost. The available information is given in the following table:(d) 1995–96 (i) to date and (ii) as estimated for the whole year; what estimate she has made of such expenditure for 1996–97; and if she will break these figures down to indicate expenditure on (1) advertising and (2) press and public relations. [11340] Mr. Sproat [holding answer 25 January 1996]: While all the information requested is not available, the available figures are as follows: