Derelict Evicted Farms MR. LONSDALE I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland if he will state, in continuation of information given on the same subject in previous years, the total number of evicted farms in Ireland unlet on the 1st July in each of the years 1893 to 1907, both inclusive, under the heads of the number used or cultivated by land lords, the number worked by land corporation or similar body, and the number lying derelict respectively. MR. BIRRELL The Question appears to refer to Returns which have been presented to Parliament from time to time showing how evicted farms were then occupied on seventeen estates commonly known as Plan of Campaign Estates. The last such Return was presented, pursuant to an order of this House, in 1903 (Parliamentary Return No. 173 of that session). If the hon. Member should think fit to move for a continuation of that Return I will offer no objection.