Land Purchase (Ireland) 7. Mr. J. P. FARRELL asked the total loss to local Grants in county Longford incurred by any default to meet annuities by tenant purchasers there for the year ending 31st March, 1913? Mr. BIRRELL The total deduction made from the share of county Longford in the Estate or Death Duty Grant during the year ended the 31st March, 1913, in respect of purchasers' annuities in arrear amounted to £766 18s. 4d., but in no sense of the word whatever is this a total loss. Mr. FARRELL Can the right hon. Gentleman say why, if he believes this is not going to be a total loss, the deduction could not have been deferred? Mr. BIRRELL I have explained over and over again that when land purchase annuities are in arrear they are of course deducted from the Grant made to the county, but when the arrears are paid off, as they almost invariably are, without any delay—at the present time county Longford is only in default of two half-yearly instalments amounting to £7 16s. 8d.—then the money is returned to the county. 8. Mr. FARRELL asked whether the Estates Commissioners have taken any further steps to complete the negotiations with Mr. J. W. Bond, D.L., for the acquirement of the untenanted lands of Coolcraff, North Longford? Mr. BIRRELL I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to his question on this subject on 29th April last, to which I have nothing to add. Mr. FARRELL Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether the Estates Commissioners have made any further communication to this landlord? Mr. BIRRELL No, I do not know that they have. Mr. FARRELL Will the right hon. Gentleman ask them to do so? Mr. BIRRELL Yes, I will. 9. Mr. FARRELL asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he has received a copy of a resolution passed by the Longford District Council asking that the powers of the Estates Commissioners be extended under the promised amending Land Bill to the seven congested divisions of Longford Union, so as to enable the Commissioners to acquire untenanted lands in county Longford to relieve congestion there; and can he hold out any hope that this will be given effect to? Mr. BIRRELL I have not received the resolution referred to. The powers of the Estates Commissioners at present extend to the whole of county Longford. 13. Mr. O'SHAUGHNESSY asked what obstacle the Estates Commissioners are now placing in the way of the evicted tenants at Aughanish, county Limerick, being reinstated in their holdings, in view of the fact that they and the landlord, Lane Joynt, and the tenants on the estate have agreed on the purchase price of the holdings, and in addition have made up between them the £500 required by the Estates Commissioners to be lodged by them for the upkeep of the embankments on the estate, and which amount the Estates Commissioners refused to advance to them on Land Act or other terms? Mr. BIRRELL The Estates Commissioners have no power to place any persons in occupation of the lands until they acquire them. As the hon. Member has been already informed, they have made their offer to purchase, and they await its acceptance and compliance with its conditions. Mr. O'SHAUGHNESSY Has not that offer been accepted, and did not the right hon. Gentleman promise me that these evicted tenants would be reinstated by March last, and why have they not been reinstated? Mr. BIRRELL The acceptance has not yet been made. Mr. O'SHAUGHNESSY How is that? Mr. BIRRELL I do not know. 14. Mr. DORIS asked whether the Congested Districts Board have yet received from Mr. Ryan, Mr. Stannel, and Lord Vaux maps of their estates near Newport, county Mayo, or whether offers to sell the estates through the Board have been received from them or any of them? Mr. BIRRELL The estates of Mr. E. A. Ryan and Mr. C. A. Stannel have been offered for sale through the Congested Districts Board, and the necessary maps and documents have been lodged. The Board understand that the necessary documents in the case of Lord Vaux's Estate are about to be lodged. 15. Mr. DORIS asked whether the Congested Districts Board have yet issued an offer for the Domville estate, near Balla, county Mayo; and, if so, whether the offer has been accepted by the owners? Mr. BIRRELL The Congested Districts Board have issued an offer for the purchase of this estate, and they are at present in correspondence with the owner regarding it. 16. Mr. DORIS asked whether the trustees of the Achill Mission estate, county Mayo, have yet expressed their willingness to sell the estate through the Congested Districts Board or have refused to sell voluntarily; and when the tenants of this congested estate may expect relief under the Land Act of 1909? Mr. BIRRELL I understand that there are some legal difficulties in the way of a voluntary sale, but I hope they may not prove to be insurmountable. The Congested Districts Board are not prepared to take steps to acquire this estate compulsorily, but if maps and documents giving the necessary particulars are lodged, the Board will have the estate valued and an offer made for the purchase of it.