Aliens (Employment) Sir R. COOPER asked the Minister of National Service how many aliens he has placed in work of national importance; how many he has recorded for and awaiting such work; how many are being used for non-combatant service abroad; and how many aliens of military age there are in the United Kingdom? Mr. BECK It would not be possible to give the figures asked for by my hon. Friend without imposing a great amount of extra labour on Departments which are already working at very high pressure, but I may inform him that from among Belgians the Employment Exchanges have since January, 1915, placed some 55,000 in work of varying degrees of national importance, and that the Employment Exchanges are engaged in interviewing and endeavouring to place in work of national importance uninterned male enemy aliens, in accordance with the policy which has been explained to the House. In the circumstances I hope my hon. Friend will not press for a further reply.